
Tuesday, September 4, 2018

As the wind blow

Anny's Fashion
Top: Queron Swimsuit & Cover
Mesh Sizes: Belleza Freya, Venus, Isis, Slink PH, HG & Maitreya
Color: HUD
Type: Female
Applier: Mesh

InWorld Store:

Marketplace Store:

Other products item used.
Body: Belleza / Freya
Skin: Not Found / Meghan (Toffee)
Mesh head: Catwa /Catya
Tattoo: Abyel Tattoo Store / La Llorona Tattoo
Freckles: Bossie / Freckles & beauty marks
Eyes: Avi-Glam / Elysian Eyes
Eyebrows: L/W Makeup Artist / Nia Brows
Make-up: Kosmetik / Berry Taste Lipstick @ The Makeover Room
Ears:  Random Matter / Kyoya Ears
Nails: Gorgeous Dolls / Savage Doll Slay (Mani Pack)
Hair: Argrace / Mayu
Accessory: Versov / Acov Eyewear
Jewelry: QutWorld BodyArt / Spike Eyebrow piercing
Suicidal Unborn / Piercing Set 07
L/W Makeup Artist / Zodiac Necklace
RealEvil / Auora Bracelets @ FaMeshed
Furniture/Pose: Chez Moi / Ocean Deck