
Wednesday, February 21, 2018

✷✸Post #605✸✷

Truth Or Dare Affair 3

Tattoo: Addicted to Ink / Dakota @ TODA3
Color: HUD
Type: Female
Applier: Belleza, Maitreya, Slink, Omega

Pose: SalaCity / Gaze @ TODA3

The Stupid Cupid Hunt 6

Outfit: Wiccan Wears / Ella Halter Dress
Color: HUD
Type: Female
Applier: Mesh
Mesh Sizes: Belleza Freya, Isis, Venus, Slink Hourglass, Physique & Maitreya

Hair: EscalateD/ Cupid Hair
Color: Inferno
Applier: Mesh

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Other products item used.
Body: Belleza / Freya
Skin: Amara Beauty / Zoe V2
Mesh head: Catwa /Catya
Nails: Empire / Coffin Nails Long
Eyes: Kosmetik / Eyes.Mystic
Eyebrows: HUWE Cosmetics / Fishtail Brows
Applier: Catwa
Ears: Mandala / Steking Ears
Nail Color: Kosmetik / Crave Black
Make-up: No Rush / Morning lashes
Hair: Beusy / Mija
Jewelry: QutWorld BodyArt / Spike Eyebrow piercing
RealEvil / Devotion Necklace @ Shop your heart out
Photo Set: Anxiety / % Madness