
Tuesday, October 10, 2017

✷✸Post #385✸✷

Alli & Ali Designs

Hair: Ragna Hair
Color:  Spooky
Applier: Mesh

InWorld Store:

Marketplace Store:

Other products item used.
Body: Belleza / Freya
Skin: The Skinnery /  Chai (Toffee)
Mesh head: Catwa /Catya
Tattoo: Letis Tattoo / Rambha
Eyes: Izzie's / Demon Eyes
Eyebrows: No Rush / Painted Eyebrows
Applier: Catwa
Ears: Mandala / Steking Ears
Make-up: No Rush / Morning  Eyelashes
QutWorld BodyArt / Poison Eyeshadow
Jewelry: QutWorld BodyArt / Spike Eyebrow piercing
Funiture & Pose: The EstWhile Music Camber Piano (Rare) @  The Gacha Life
Decor: StoryTeller / Haunted Picture *4 @ The Gacha Life