
Friday, April 21, 2017

Elevator Up!!


Outfit: Spring Floral Set
Applier: Omega
Color: Jupiter Blue

Make-Up: Sophie Lips Action [::Elite::]
Applier: Omega w/ color HUD (Catwa)

Make-Up: Lani Eyeshadow [::Elite::]
Applier: Omega w/ color HUD (Catwa)

InWorld Store:
Marketplace Store:

Other products item used.
Body: Belleza / Isis
Tattoos:  Speakeasy / Weirdo
Skin: The Skinnery /  Park Shin
Mesh head: Catwa /Catya
Nails: Empire / Square Nails
Hair: Truth Hair / Bronwyn
Shoes: KC Couture / Trinity Boots
Photo Set: SEUL / Elevator Highrise (Gacha) @ The Epiphany
Jewelry: RealEvil / ReVox Couple Bracelet
             Cynful / Poolside BodyChain