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Blog Model: Sytharia
Blog Website:

Outfit: Desmonia / Lorre Lingerie
Body: Belleza / Freya
Skin: Amara Beauty / Rebecca
Mesh head: Catwa /Catya
Tattoo:   Abyel Tattoo Store / La Llorona Tattoo
Angel Design / Death & Life Tattoo @ Fable 3 
Nails: Gorgeous Dolls / Savage Doll Slay (Mani Pack)
Freckles: Bossie / Freckles & beauty marks
Eyebrows: Lisa Walker MakeUp Artist / Nia Brows
Ears: Random Matter / Eura Ears
Make-up:  Kosmetik / Modish Motive Eyeshadow @ The MakeOver Room
Hair: Doux / Unati
Jewelry: QutWorld BodyArt / Spike Eyebrow piercing
Suicidal Unborn / Piercing Set 07
RealEvil / Dragon Rings
Pose:Focus Poses / Friends 29
Photo Set: Anxiety / Puddin


For promotional and business collaborations, or for any questions, you can reach me here: